13 July 2009

songs for keeping the watch: night 08

less fierce now having found(ered). there are days. one relishes the heat,
tinny music on the player, pins in the mouth. a basement shop where

hammering steel i waited for you, impatient, disbelieving, in thrall.
coffee in a jar banal & lovely, hot scent setting out & here we are

to leap the morning lingering in hands. a program in the background running
journey goes & on a day so similar i startle. notice. one might not have

guessed: what muscles can endure & growing know: the science fiction of
memory, of non-fiction/ of a history that spins itself in time. a vital

wire. oh the hum of days & slow dawning. i linger in protasis, future
more vivid, your guarantee: if you my apodosis will, i shall. i shall.

sure as days self-propagate. as compulsion. the archways of the heart.

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