07 July 2009

rejected applications to the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung: DOC. NO. 44I012M41

half-hearted, choked, flooded. this car won't start. no turnover but the
rate at which i flip stones & leaves for another, point of intersection

consumed by that equation. exponential, asymptotic, toxic to all but itself
& i infected can only cry out & cling to the surface as it ascends. slap

the black box. punch numbers. invoke. one constant reduces all variables to
zero: terror/wonder: the brighter star may be the farther, whitehot &

hungry & among us there is vacuum & so many bags left packed, unclaimed, a
train ticket & sudden flight, but never to you. nor to you. the artificial

gravity goes out. cardiovascular system weakens, strength declines. a fury
of fled. the sick certainty of a holding pattern, nausea of weightlessness.

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