17 June 2009

rejected applications to the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung: DOC. NO. 20S423L43

there is, you see, another. just rest. there is an overlook from which we
may watch the trucks bearing missives to parts unknown. not, you see,

for either of us. there is that. stalled here i have no diagram held
in mind that could collapse a triangle into a line. the summer fleets.

and i, habitually deer-like, may pause no stop with whiskey & a word
for even you one brief evening as the lights come up all over the city.

a wind comes that will bring a song in another language. hardwired into
the blood's long memory, & i having lost root can only read, & read, &

wonder. but in fairness there is time, you see, & a line of light through
smoke that ensconces you, & i also, in window-glass giving back sheer drop.

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