21 September 2007

report 000016: on the slab at mass gen

what's worse is the memory-loss, the way they tell you over& over again. strike a match. the water-light is familiar--you should--eh. it's no good. you would whistle the dark. but here, bernoulli, where the sound whips away & past. after which you flip

the switch, mop up, break down the boxes. there may have been a time. i am an electron in the outer shell. that/ as near/as--but still, yes--it is easier, brokener& quick(=alive like) slamming that spent double in among the bottles. they are alphabetized; don't cut yourself, here, you don't know where you are--

ted roethke woulda been proud. jb too with his flock of birds & there's a garden for all of 'em sommwheres. but right now, with mainlined & replace (can't find the file. locate?), it is not enough. but there you are. one will discover a new dimension

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