17 September 2007

report 000015: analgesic

wherefor' the sling-around backslide steady. don't look: there is a genius in/ the way one has, framing up: monument of hands. things never go as--. but look (but it's too dark to--), the semantic content's the same. the difference between the said to recall & forget, the trying-on. myriad. but sometimes one tires

of the mind's slow ice, virus you self-let to feed slow as the drip from a stolen IV tree, ketorolac tromethamine brings down the fever but--in this you catch. your familiar second-person shears off, the cliff-face narrowly avoided--It is familiarity. Ichheit, mein conceptuelle schemata. the polyglot's

hangover. tomorrow where will you wake, whose glass of water a testament to? the pronoun is a problem of geometry. no room at the inn for the dependent clause dangling, your weak past participle. the initiate finds his sweet dialect; a program running in the background of for days back as long as you can count, t-(snarling in the face of, unapologetic, your perfect pitch). from there there is only the marking of time. from here we find the nearest

crossroads. by a new sign barely legible, plug in the string. select a method. all outcomes are equally probable, but there will be no point along this curve at which, in tomorrow's dark of alcohol & traction, one could say: there. i took a photograph. the results are in the mail. STOP

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