01 October 2007

report 000019: auriculares

bring the noise: in the snapbackwhiplash of your nights, an encomium. lovely, the myths you spin, conjure in the hissburnt world; unfold. when all remedies fail: there is a means of tracking, navigating the pylons sure as all them slick pretty things we sense but in halt & timid fail to equation properly. what can't

be done. & i by blind & sensor, glove: trip the timer. we blur. here where there is no architecture, out past the pale of done & signed. hardly a republic; rather, the spirited selection-for--there is the baring of teeth. our bone structure understands, the interstice between risorius & zygomaticus, feral darling. between

here & tomorrow what barriers to mark our crossing, what impact at--& when in slalom, with the weather coming down & we're crossing statelines     there is no protocol for this. but in that early, with environment redrawn rears a possible: wires tangled in accident, at evening, may yet roost the sparrow seeing lines of nest. at the interface

between our binary & our quaternary. two tangled double helices spitting bits. the flip between on&off in our greymatter: you crossing the street as a spray of electrons toggles that switch in vision, vertiginous. the photographic time-stamp. how the drops bead & run off, & i your storm drain in an unfamiliar city.

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