14 February 2005

report 000004: mawkish & sheerly i cap: & cavort for some night

no. 1 (in the ballroom, under low lights): all dressed up, a neat thing with you've got a neat step on. we hold the nine lines in high regard (love but less perhaps) but flow a little tune out some & miss through pen in mouth to think a bit more a listen.


an adamant, & a love too
sing a little dance a skew

& trip to flip behind our overmorning mourned a touch theatrically & recalcitrant you slip in catch for a listen.

you see now easy so
no need for lamps allow

hush, lady. we think you think too much. have a drink, a cup of tea & a wink toward sweetness. what a sweet deal we may have for ourselves. (laughs) so much sugar in the blood now let's catch a tap before we all crash around, pull lines with us down & sully the cellar & some dirt for our nightly amusements. & sweet sweet we run all over the floor this night: rust & honey i' the mouth of this a winking kiss our mothers would never forgive us but it's late to-night it's late & waiting got them no where & we have a least thing a small say & look a little over our heels fall pull the dance is on now at lash & last have say feel a listen.

there's falling then there's mirth
our means beget our worth

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